Online Voting

Take Advantage of Online Voting

In our continuous efforts to provide easy and convenient services to our members, online voting was made available in 2019.

To vote online in the 2021 election, we must have a current email address for you on file. Update your contact information here.

After you have updated your email address, you will receive an email invitation to vote from once the 2021 voting period opens. To cast your vote, click on the link provided in the email and have a say on the way CUA operates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this secure? Expand/Collapse

Yes, the election platform is secure. Only your name and email will be uploaded into the platform and will be deleted 90 days after the election has been completed. None of your banking or account information is included or connected to this program.

Why do you need my email to vote? Expand/Collapse

Voting is limited to our membership, so we use your email to confirm you are a member and to email you the link to your unique ballot.

Do I have to vote online? Expand/Collapse

You can also vote in-person at any of our eight branch locations and our Corporate Office during business hours once  the election begins.

Will my vote be anonymous? Expand/Collapse

Yes. While we use your email address to send you the invitation to vote, you will be assigned a random identifier and log-in to vote. We will not be able to see who you voted for.

Can I vote more than once? Expand/Collapse

You can only vote once, even if you have more than one membership. If you have a joint member on your account, either of you can vote but not both. If you do have multiple memberships and one has a joint member on it, then you would be able to vote through one membership and your joint member could vote with the other.
If you have further questions about the election, voting methods or any other concerns, please contact a member of the CUA team at 902-492-6500.