Fraud Alerts

Stay "safe and sound"! Receive text alerts directly to your phone in the case of unusual debit card activity.

How it Works

If we have your current cell phone number on file, you'll now receive a text notifying you if we detect unusual activity on your debit card.

The text will contain details regarding the transaction that was flagged, including the last 4 digits of the card, dollar amount, and merchant name.

To confirm the transaction is legitimate, reply to the message with a Y and we will respond that you are safe to continue to use your debit card. To confirm the transaction is fraud, reply to the message with an N and we will secure your account and respond with instructions to contact your branch.

We will never request replies that contain account or personal information or requires you to click on a link.

Receive Fraud Alerts

Other Ways to Update Your Cell Phone Number

  • Login to Online Banking and go to Profile and Preferences to update your contact information and to ensure we have your cell phone number.
  • Call our Customer Contact Centre and they will be happy to update your information 902-492-6500.
  • Visit one of our eight branch locations.

Opt-Out Process

When you receive a fraud alert text message, you can opt out of the alert notification service by replying to the text message, per the opt-out instructions. Once you opt out, you will no longer receive these text message alerts.