How to Engage Students in your Business

September is back-to-school time! As college and university students head back to classrooms, many are focused on how to make the year ahead successful and enjoyable. Did you know that small businesses can play a role in this? Engaging students in your business can not only earn you new customers, but by doing so, you'll also be supporting members of the local community. Here are four tips on how you can engage students in your business this season:

Offer student discounts: Because funds are limited for many students, they appreciate affordable and flexible pricing that can help with their monthly budget. This means they're often looking for products and services with student discounts. As a business, offering a student discount is one of the easiest ways to achieve brand loyalty with students.

Hire part-time or co-op students: Beyond a paycheck, students also value the life experience that comes from being hired part-time or through a co-op program. By giving them goals to reach and helping them build new skills, you'll quickly notice their motivation and enthusiasm to build a strong relationship with you. Remember, through great coaching and mentoring, you're helping to shape the future workforce!

Get social: Aside from Google, social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have become their own search engines for Millennials. Why not leverage these platforms to grab students’ attention? Consider sharing your brand, products and services across social media channels to increase engagement, encourage conversation or to create a platform where students can discuss and debate on relevant topics. Your social media analytics may just thank you for it!

Student events: Students spend a significant part of their time studying and networking, so consider hosting student-specific events at your business, or offer a study space where they can gather, converse and share ideas.

There are many ways to engage students in your business. Overall, remember that any interaction with students can leave a lasting impact. If you would like to discuss any ideas you have to engage students this season, we would love to hear them. Contact us at

Revised Sep. 3, 2021


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